Training session on “Management and control of invasive plants”

In the scope of the Life Landascape Fire project and Forest For Future – F4F, a short training session entitled “Management and control of invasive plants” was held on 15/04 and 13/05, in which members of the forest fire brigades of CIM Viseu Dão Lafões participated. Hélia Marchante, a teacher at the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, was the trainer for this session.

The practical session took place in an area invaded by Acacia dealbata belonging to the Santo Estevão Support Centre for the Disabled, in Viseu, where the control method by “peeling” was put into practice. Invasive exotic plants have transformed ecosystems and their functions, reducing the abundance and diversity of the native flora.

Controlling invasive species requires well-planned management, which includes determining the extent of the invasion, identifying its possible causes, assessing impacts, setting priorities, evaluating the most appropriate methodologies, and subsequently monitoring the recovery of the controlled area.